Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Catching Up

There have been some question raised in the comments on my blogs. So I will try to answer them.

On the slide show just below this blog are my oldest son's family. On the slide show below that are my youngest son's family. Pennie is in both slide shows.

I found the hanging strawberries at Wal Mart while buying my flowers for the garden and I thought I would give them a try. I have been using Butterflies suggestion that they should be watered twice a day. I was afraid they would suffer because I was gone over the weekend. God watered them tonight.

There were suggestions that I write my stories on the blog. I don't know if I am comfortable to do that at this time. The stories are more for teenagers than small children. It is funny because I do not like even using a typewriter to write them. I will give this some thought.

Pennie's hand is still giving trouble. On Saturday morning the swelling had gone done some and she could straighten her hand up and wiggle her fingers except the little one. The little one is not moving. In the afternoon we went swimming at the motel pool. She swam and went into the hot tub. The swelling was back . The nerves were upset with something she did or the treatment wore off. On Thursday she will go talk with the doc and see if they do the next series of treatments.

We have not begun working on the water falls of Pigeon Falls. We did look at Steins . We looked at rubber lining. It was $200.00 for a ready made water fall. We probably should have spent the money in the first place in stead of going cheap. We know the problem the little tub which was second in the series has tipped back from the snow and the water is going out the back. We can't move the tub because we cemented it in with rock. We are thinking of capping the back. I planted water lilies for the first time and they are growing in the pond.


Blogger Louisiana said...

well don't feel pressured at all to share your stories. they are probably for your grandchildren anyways. i'm sure we were all just proud of you and another of your talents...
i'm glad that butterflies is now in your blog circle. she and James are a wonderful couple. it saddens me how much they have to grow to and impresses me how they are handling it. she is a rock of strength and courage. i admire her very much. i'm glad for them just as much that you and Dr. John are visiting her blog now. she can use all the love and support we can all give. and somehow i think that you both being so wonderful and so faithful to God, your prayers are heard and that makes me happy. sorry to hear Pennie is having troubles with her hand still. i wish they would just figure out a way to make it all better for her. i'm so sorry to hear about the waterfalls. you work so hard in your displays. i hope it all works out soon. have a good night.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will have to keep an eye out for the strawberries!

Pennie is in my prayers!

6:06 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

I have many, many times in my life tried to do things on the cheap and later regretted it. Sometimes that strategy works, though. Too bad foresight isn't 20/20

6:20 AM  
Blogger Catch said...

I bet the water lilies look nice! If I had a pond I would want water lilies too. Im sorry that Penny is still having trouble with her hand...hopefully they can remedy that very soon. I will keep a close eye out for those hanging strawberries.....I transplanted some hosta today...

4:58 PM  
Blogger Phats said...

Hi there thanks for popping by my blog and wishing me a happy birthday :)

I like the slideshows they are cool!

9:00 PM  

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